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Muiderslot Castle

Muiderslot Castle is located in region of Amsterdam. Muiderslot Castle has been a national museum since 1878. Before then, the castle was completely dilapidated and even came close to being demolished, happily that never happened. The castle was renovated thoroughly by the architect Pierre Cuypers.

The collection revolves primarily around two historical eras- the Middle Ages and the 17th century. At the castle, you will discover what life was like in the Middle Ages and the 17th century.

It is one of the oldest and best preserved castles in the Netherlands. The castle arose in 1285. Muiderslot Castle, surrounded by water and gardens, is telling a story of its time. In the beautiful gardens you can walk trough and for the time being relax and get your mind off the daily worries and tasks. As well as in side of the castle you will find yourself surrounded by the history and all of its glory in one place.

For more information about how to get there or how much it costs you can always go to their page and read everything step by step there-

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